Thursday Jan 5th
Read Psalm 139:13-14 and journal your initial thoughts
I love the way the Psalmist describes the way that God created us, first note how verse 13 says that God wove us together in our mother’s womb. Picture someone weaving something, how every stitch has intention. It’s not like someone is just wadding a bunch of twine together, but there is meaning and purpose in every stitch. What are some areas of your life that you’ve always thought were just wadded together without purpose?
Not only that but verse 14 says that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. To really understand how awesome you really are let’s look at these words. The word “fearfully” is a word that implies reverence. So you were created as if future depended on you being created just right. Next the word “wonderfully” means “to distinguish”. This means that you are distinguished among all of God’s works. You are not ordinary, average, or normal, instead you are amazing, awe-inspiring, and simply “wonderful”
Now read Psalms 139:15-16 and journal your initial thoughts…
The Psalmist writes that not only was God right there stitching us together in the secret place, the depths of the earth, but that He saw our unformed body. It is said that a sculptor can look at a piece of rock, ice, or whatever they are sculpting and see the end product even before they begin. God saw our unformed body. He knew exactly what we were going to be like even before He started. Sometimes we get caught up with the things we don’t like about ourselves, like God made some sort of mistake. What are those things about you that you feel like are a mistake?
Here’s the best news of all! Not only are those things not a mistake, but God planned on using them to do something amazing! Verse 16 says that “all our days were ordained”, this means that not only did God see you before you were formed, but He knew exactly what He was going to do with you.
Take some time and pray that God would show you the beauty and intention He put within you.
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