Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16th 2012

Monday Jan 16th

Yesterday we talked about the idea that we are one choice away from living a different life, but there is a question we need to address, why is following Jesus? The problem so many have with following Jesus is that they are under the assumption that following Jesus means that you sacrifice a today so that you can get to heaven and have something later.

Now read John 10:10 and journal your thoughts

When you read Jesus talking about “abundant life” did you just assume that he was talking about heaven? What if Jesus is talking about something more? Here’s the catch, in this verse Jesus is talking in the present tense, meaning right now. When he talks about having “abundant life” the word “abundant” isn’t talking about something we need to survive, it’s not an essential to life like water is. Instead “abundant” is talking about something added to our lives to make it enjoyable.

Jesus is essentially showing us what it means to live a healthy life. Just like with food there are some things we were meant to eat and some things we were not. Go ahead and Google “Year old McDonalds Hamburger” and you’ll see an example of what we are not meant to eat. In the same way, Jesus through his life and teachings is showing us how to live a healthy life. When we begin to live a healthy life, we begin to experience abundant life because we aren’t just surviving but we are living exactly how we were created to live.

Take some time and journal what this means to you in your daily life? Does this change the way you see the world? What changes can you make to your life to live abundantly?

Today pray that God show you what it looks like to live a healthy life.

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