Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9th 2012

There are times in our lives when we have to spend some time waiting on God.

Read Psalm 40:1-3 and journal your initial thoughts

Have you ever been in one of those moments like this? Where you feel like you’re stuck in the mud and mire of life. There you are covered in the dirt and the filth that life seems to throw at you, and you feel like you’re completely out of options. These moments are hard for several reasons; first we are in a place where we feel like we’re stuck in the mud and junk of life. That’s kind of hard by definition. But secondly these moments are hard because we come to the realization that we are not in control.

As a follower of Jesus we feel like we shouldn’t have these moments. The church answer is that we totally trust Jesus and God with everything. But this is reality, and the reality is we like to be in control and we struggle when we’re not.

The first step is simply admitting that you’re not in control. Now go ahead and say it with me. “Hi, my name is ________ and I’m not in control.” As a follower of Jesus the key is not being in control but simply learning to trust the One who is.

Today pray that God would give you the courage and confidence to trust him not only in the hardest times of life, but even in the simplest.

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