Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7th 2012

The other day we looked at Joshua 1:6-9, and we talked about being “strong and courageous”. We looked at how “strong” means to tie yourself or anchor yourself to something solid so that when rough times come you won’t be blown away. Today we are going to look a little deeper try to grasp how exactly we do that “strong” part.

Read Joshua 1:8 and in light of the other day journal what this means to you

Here we see the word “meditate”; now this word has different meanings for different cultures. In the Far Eastern cultures when one mediates they enter into the process of emptying themselves. But when you look at what God is telling Joshua to do, this sort of meditation is much different from the Far East. Notice how God tells Joshua to not let the Law depart from our mouths and meditate on it day and night. This means it’s something that we are supposed to repeat constantly, all the time. This doesn’t sound like emptying, and more like filling.

Repeating God’s word over and over sounds simple. In fact it doesn’t sound like much at all, but as we begin to repeat God’s word it’s almost like it becomes a part of us. There is something in just repeating and focusing on a few words at a time that takes something very complicated and simplifies it and brings it to home in our own lives. This is meditation. Those moments where we take a smaller part of God’s word and really question it. We have to ask ourselves; what is this really saying? What was this saying to the original listeners? What does this mean to me and my life? What changes do I need to make because of this?

Today pray that God would help you to focus on little parts of Scripture at a time, and through those little parts begin to reveal big things in your own life.

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