Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19th 2012

Yesterday we looked at those moments when God is waiting on us to act, so that He can act. We looked at how we are working as a team with God. Those moments are often dependent on us doing what God wants us to do, but…how do I know what God wants me to do?

Read Luke 5:16 and journal your thoughts

All throughout the Gospels Jesus is always going away to pray and be alone with God. Time and time again, he purposefully escapes the chaos and craziness of life so that He can spend time with his heavenly Father. In fact this verse sums it up the best because it says that he did this all the time. It happened so often that Luke actually writes it down.

If we are to step into the life that God is calling us to live then we must make room in our lives to develop a relationship with Him. We have to create a space of intimacy with God, where we can sit down with Him and get to know what’s on His mind. For anyone who is married, you understand the importance of this. If you want to keep a good relationship with your spouse then you have to set time aside where you can talk with each other. Same is true with God, how are we supposed to know what God is calling us to do if we never take the time to actually listen to what He’s saying?

Today take some time to just sit in silence and listen for the Voice of Creation.

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