Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20th 2012

Have you ever noticed how hard it can be to trust yourself? You know your past and the things that you’ve done. But what if God trusts you more than you do?

Read Acts 1:1-9 and journal some of your thoughts

Have you ever wondered what it was like for the disciples? The person they’ve been following, their Rabbi has just ascended into heaven and now they’re all alone. Surely they must have asked themselves the question; now what? Jesus changes everything, but what are we supposed to do with that? What traditions to we continue to keep, and which ones don’t apply anymore? This had to be a frightening moment for this band of disciples.

Here is the good news, Jesus trusts his disciples. When Jesus ascends into heaven he trusts his church into the disciple’s hands. Why? Because he believes in them, and the good news for us is just like Jesus trusted his first disciples with his church he also trusts us. Stop and think about that for a moment, Jesus trusts us, he believes in us.

Just like when we begin to follow Jesus there are moments when we have to step into the water and trust God before He acts, so God trusts us. Trust is one of the foundations of a solid relationship, but if it doesn’t go both ways then the relationship will eventually fall apart. So as we begin to trust God with our lives, be encouraged that God already trusts you.

Today pray that God would show you just how much He trusts you.

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