Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8th 2012

Yesterday we looked at how Jesus doesn’t make God’s Law obsolete, but instead amplifies it. Jesus not only calls us to a higher standard of living, but lived it out himself. Today we look at our part.

Read Romans 2:13 and journal your initial thoughts

For so many people the whole idea of being a follower of Jesus is deeply tied to a single moment. For some it’s a moment when they made a public affirmation to follow Jesus, for others it’s that moment when they are baptized. And while those things are good, they become a problem if we simply forget to live it out. In our culture we make decisions every day, but how many of those decisions do we allow to change the very core of who we are? How many decisions have we made in our entire lives that have done that?

Now read 1 John 2:6 and journal your initial thoughts

Pretty blunt, huh? When we claim to follow Jesus we are also called to live a life just like Jesus did. When we do this, we begin to live out the Law. But notice throughout the life of Jesus he didn’t practice a lot of the legalistic stuff that the “religious” people of his day did. In fact he was often condemned because he didn’t do those things. Because the emphasis of the life of Jesus isn’t to pretend to be righteous or Holy or perfect, but to live a life in this beautiful relationship with his Father.

Pray today that God would show you the areas of your life that you are not fully following Jesus with.

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