Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21st 2012

“The degree of blessing enjoyed by any man will correspond exactly with the completeness of God's victory over him.” A.W. Tozer

Read James 1:22-25 and journal your thoughts

Sometimes it’s easy for us to listen to what God is saying through His Word, but it’s usually a lot harder for us to actually do it. There comes a point when we have to be submissive to what God is telling us to do. If we want to experience that freedom, we have to be submissive to God’s calling in our lives.

This would be like if your spouse asked you to do something; they obviously would be expecting you to do it. Let’s say they leave and come back later and ask you if you took care of that thing they asked you to do. What’s that, you didn’t? Why not? Didn’t you hear me? Yes, then why didn’t you do it?

The problem is with God, we often have a hard time doing what He tells us to do, because we doubt what’s He’s saying. I mean, how do I know that’s really from God? Here’s the trick, hold up what you think God is calling you to do with His Word. If what He’s calling you to do fits the nature of who He is then, do it. If you’re not sure, ask someone you trust, someone who has a solid relationship with Christ. Once you begin to recognize the Voice of God, the easier it will be to notice the next time.

Today pray that God would speak loudly in your life and help you to recognize and be submissive to His Voice.

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