Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4th 2012

Yesterday we talked about why we need to be wise, today we are going to ask the question; whose standard of wisdom are we following?

Read 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 and journal your thoughts

If we are really honest with ourselves there are times when we look at the wisdom of the Scriptures and then look around at the world around us and say to ourselves; really? Jesus talks about things like losing your life to find it, loving those who hate you, and giving everything you have. Really Jesus? How do I pay my bills if I give everything away? How do I survive if I love those who hate me? How do I find my life if it’s gone?

These things are the standard of the world; we are dealing with tangible realities, things that make sense to a rational thinking person. This is where things get tricky, because trusting God is not always rational. Stepping out into the river and hoping it’s going to dry up (Joshua 3:14-17) does not make a whole lot of sense, but that is exactly the type of wisdom we are called to show. The type of wisdom that even when things do not make sense we can still trust in the God who is working in everything.

Today pray that you would be able to trust God even when things don’t make much sense

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