Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20th 2012

So far we have looked at some of the benefits of learning how to forgive; today we are going to discover another.

Read James 5:15-16 and journal your thoughts

So it’s through confession and forgiveness that brings healing. Have you ever had one of those moments when someone forgave you of something? How did it feel? Or maybe you did something wrong and felt really guilty about it, and you kept avoiding the chance after chance to confess. Finally that moment came when you had to confess and you instantly felt this weight lift off of you. It’s almost like you are now free from this thing that was holding you back and now you can finally move on.

While being forgiven can bring healing, so can the act of forgiveness bring healing to the forgiver. It’s not something we ever really think about, is it; this idea of forgiving healing the person who forgives? Usually when we forgive someone we view ourselves as allowing some sort of healing to happen to that person, but really when we forgive we are the ones who are healed. Think about it, when there is someone you don’t want to forgive, how does it change the patterns of your life? Do you find yourself not doing certain things to avoid that person? Do you find yourself being negative? When we choose to forgive we give up all of those things that are holding us back from stepping into that life that God is calling us to live.

Today may you experience the freedom that comes from forgiveness.

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