Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26th 2012

Maybe you have been journaling about the future, but when you look at what going on today it’s hard for you to see anything good in your future.

Read Jeremiah 29:11 and journal your thoughts

How many times have you read that verse? Let me guess, usually when you are going through a rough time. It’s one of those verses that we tend to use when we are down and need hope, we need to be inspired. But the question we need to ask ourselves is; do you believe that?

As you read this verse you need to remember that it’s being written to a nation in exile. Essentially they were slaves, not a very hopeful way of living. In fact you might say it couldn’t get any worse. And yet God took them at their lowest and gave them exactly what He promised; hope and a future.

Go ahead and journal what sort of things are keeping you from seeing hope in your future right now?

Now read Romans 8:28 and journal your thoughts

God is using all things for the good of those who love Him. Basically God may not like the bad things happening to us, but we can be sure God is going to use those bad things to do something amazing later on in our lives. Remember Daniel had to go into the lion’s den before he could experience the goodness that God had planned for him.

Today pray that God would give you the strength to get through whatever you’re going through, and to remind you of the future He has planned for you.

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