Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18th 2012

Yesterday we looked at Mark 11:25 and talked about why it’s important that we forgive.

Today re-read Mark 11:25 and read Luke 6:37 and Matthew 6:14-15 and journal more about why you think it’s important to forgive.

There seems to be this sort of pattern, isn’t there? There is this cause and effect relationship that we have with God. It’s as if our ability to be forgiven actually depends on our ability to forgive. How does this make you feel? Does this seem rather harsh? Does this seem fair?

Now read Matthew 18:21-35 and journal your thoughts

Does this parable change your initial response to Jesus’ claims on forgiveness? It seems that there is something absolutely crucial to our forgiveness when it comes to our ability to forgive. Notice what Jesus says in verse 35; that the forgiveness has to come from our heart. This is the key, what is the nature of our hearts? Are we the type of person who seeks to restore broken relationships, or do we enjoy having this sort of power over the other person. Do we want to call things square or do we want to get out of the other person everything they “owe” us?

If our hearts line up with the heart of God, then our natural tendency will be to forgive. Not saying that forgiveness is always easy, but we can at least understand that it is the right thing to do, and why it’s the right thing to do.

Yesterday you spent some time thinking about some of those deep wounds from your past. Today pray that God would give you the courage to forgive the ones who caused you so much pain.

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