Today is going to be a bit different; we are going to play “CSI: Bible” focus on the timeline of Jesus’ arrest which is going to help us put some things in perspective. There will also be hints for tomorrow’s journal which addresses the question why did the people go from say “Hosanna” on Palm Sunday to “Crucify Him” on Friday?
In yesterday’s journal we mentioned that the Passover meal would have ended sometime around midnight. This means that the events of Judas betraying Jesus with a kiss would have happened about 1 am. (Matthew 26:47-56).
We also know that Peter denied Jesus when the rooster crowed (Matthew 26:69-75) which would have been about 5 am. This means the events of Jesus before the Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:57-68) would have taken place sometime between 1-5 am. Remember this the night of the Passover, a very major Jewish ceremony.
According to Mark 15:1 Jesus is presented before Pilate at sunrise roughly 6am, once again this is the morning after a very late night since most Passover feasts don’t end until midnight. Mark 15:25 says that Jesus was crucified at the third hour, which for them would have been 9am. This means the events in between Jesus first going before Pilate and Jesus being crucified happened in about a 3 hour span.
All of this leads up to the crucifixion of Jesus, how does this timeline change any of your views of the final hours of Jesus life?
Take some time to mediate on the question for tomorrow: Why did the crowds go from “Hosanna” to “crucify him”?
**NOTE: All the journals this week were inspired and heavily influenced by Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. I cannot recommend this book enough!
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