Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25th 2012

Why are you born sick?

Read John 9:1-7 and journal your thoughts

Yesterday we talked about how today we would consider the people of Jesus time to be very superstitious, and we totally understand why. Today we have the luxury of science to explain why certain things happen to certain people (and there are still some mysteries for us to discover). As a way to explain these mysteries they put some of their logical pieces together into what we would call superstitions. One of these superstitions deal with the question of why someone would be born with a sickness or a defect, like we see in John 9:2.

The disciples, seeing how Jesus has changed many of their traditional views of how the world works decide to ask their rabbi about it. Traditionally they believed if something bad happened to someone it was because of some sin they had committed, but what about someone who was (to quote Lady Gaga) born that way? Obviously it must be their parent’s sin that caused this person to be blind right, or could it be that God knew of some future sin and punished him now?

Jesus takes the whole debate and turns it upside down, by saying it’s no one’s fault but this has happened to that God’s power would be revealed, then Jesus heals the man. This raises the question for us, when we see people going through trying situations what do we do? Sometimes it’s easy for us to say something like “Well, God has a plan” and then leaven them. Or do we become like Jesus and do everything we can to help them through their situation?

Today may you see moments to heal others and may you step into those moments

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