Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 1st 2012

Is there anything else we are missing from this scene?

Read Matthew 26:26 and journal your thoughts

In the Passover tradition there is a special piece of bread called “afikomen” which translates into “that which comes after” or the word “dessert.” This piece of bread was taken from the best part of the matzah which we all know is the middle of the bread. This is then set aside (or in some cases hidden and the children look for it later) and is the very last thing eaten. When it is time, it is broken and given to everyone at the table.

Now if pretty much everything in Judaism symbolizes something then what does the afikomen represent? Like we said, the word “afikomen” literally means “that which comes after” another way of translating this is “the coming one”. This was a phrase identified with the coming of the Messiah. Here the whole matzah bread represents the people of Israel, while the afikomen represents the Messiah. The image here is that this Messiah will be the best of the matzah, and he will be broken from his people (and in some cases hidden from his people for a time; see death and resurrection).

When Jesus took the bread, broke it, and said “this is my body” he was referring to the bread, but he was also referring to the specific piece of bread. Jesus was identifying himself as Messiah. Everyone at the table would have understood exactly what he was saying.

Take some time to meditate on this idea and how this changes your image of the Last Supper.

**NOTE: All the journals this week were inspired by Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. I cannot recommend this book enough!

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